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Укрепление здоровья препаратами класса lux. Реальность?

Индивидуальная консультация Автора книги

Консультация В.Соколинского

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Мини-энциклопедия эффективных препаратов

Электронная книга
"Здоровье 5 звезд"

Автор книги - известный специалист по натуротерапии Владимир Соколинский. Автор всего девяти книг, многие из которых переизданы.
Более 15 лет практического опыта.
Ежедневно консультирует, подбирает уникальные индивидуальные программы оздоровления.
Постоянные посетители его Центра - известные артисты, политики, чиновники, бизнесмены, жители Петербурга и разных городов России, ближнего и дальнего зарубежья.

"Очень удобная практическая книга.
Написана иронично, но "по делу"

Замечание неизвестного читателя.

A health of women and men is secrets of natura preparat of class of «lux» - book Health. Five stars

This page, sacred to the theme decline of weight, geared-up for compatriots, above-ground outside Russia and using the English-language keyboard. We ask sorry for translation.

If you want to read an original version in Russian language pass on reference.

Electronic book
"Health 5 stars"
An author of book is the known specialist for naturatherapy Vladimir of Sokolinskiy. Author of only nine books, many of which are reprinted.
More than 15 years of practical experience.
Advises daily, picks up the unique individual programs of making healthy.
Regular visitors of his Center are the known artists, politicians, officials, businessmen, habitants of Petersburg and different cities of Russia, near and distant foreignness."Very comfortable practical book.
Written ironically, but "in business"
Remark of unknown reader


It will be necessary to pay quite a bit time and yet hardly by money. Here information, how to spend a minimum of money and time, and to get 100% possible result. you can take the liberty an anxiety about the health of "bespoke". Necessarily read information about preparations of class of lux and will understand in what difference.

A health does not come after money. It and does not diminish proportionally to achievement of stable position in life. The manager of middle hand is ill those illnesses, what proprietor of him apeak computer-integrated holding. Simply for a well-to-do man меньше time and more facilities on maintenance of health. In this book practical recipes of survival and strengthening of health are for the people of not accustomed to save on itself. Preparations which are recommended here are grouped on principle of complexes for the most widespread problems. An author does not bother a reader a difficult choice between different facilities. He recommends the best at once. As a rule, it is rare facilities, inaccessible in every pharmacy and not advertised in teleshops and newspapers. Their user can be sure that accepts эксклюзив. Satisfied in a book and tastes of readers preferring the things of class of «luxury». Here will be даны of combination of natural components which can be made specially for you. A problem consists in that producers of нутрицевтиков, possibly as well as the salespeople of musical albums on some ridiculous habit plug the pair of hits and 80% communicating songs in collections. At the individual drafting of the program, you get that usefully exactly to you only, satisfying the vanity in passing. System of making healthy, sharpened under you it no less ponderable what individual design of apartment.

Men, will compliment with this book to the wife or secretary, weakened and enable to look after about itself. you will need only not to forget to accept the pill carefully fixed in a brief-case and feel satisfaction from results and pride for advanced and belonging to the clan of people, can to itself to allow «medicine on the French curve».

Dear women, will break off to spend money only on dear cream. All goes from within. Fitnes and мезотерапия will not replace natural matters which every minute are required by an organism for renewal of cages. Age when new cages do not ripen to take the place of obsolete it. Take the liberty not only the best clothes but also the best from the world of strengthening of health. A miracle of medicine is not, for that there is a miracle system of making healthy. The health of woman is arranged not simpler than rules of the travelling road. And if on their study outlaid three months, then foolishly to expect from the body results from one hike in a спа-салон.

This book on a health it in a manner подстройка under «Cosmo», but in area of health. Thus intentional format of poket book - for busy, but loving itself. To the people, to breaking forth or breaking forth from a middle class and loser a health in passing, DEDICATED.

How will care of health?

1 level

We save on everything. Medications - what more cheaply. About natural facilities a talk does not go. Maksimum- that from a vegetable garden. We are afraid of imitations the greatest line.

2 level

We save on everything except for a health. Medications - what a doctor prescribed. Of natural facilities heard, treat that is advertised in newspapers and on a television set (middle price 100 roubles on a month). We are afraid of imitations, but able to distinguish настоящее.

3 level

We can to itself allow... From medications nauseous. Living is desirable. We search what to support an organism. we use without the system vitamins, minerals, facilities for the increase of immunity, decline of weight. To the question of imitations belong reasonably. We trust a place, where buy for-recommendations

4 level

And living is so good! Sport. Rest is in good hotels. SPA. It is desirable so оздоравливаться, that all was correct (as correct clothes, correct machine, correct cosmetologist and trainer). Imitations are not. As rare natural facilities nobody will occur to counterfeit. Specialist on making healthy as a "family member" - understands Your organism better than you. Short description is All natural facilities, recommended in a book and on a site are not medications. Implementation of these recommendations does not replace treatment and supervision for a doctor. Rotin these ideas to the doctor. If he is the real specialist, then simply be under an obligation to know the modern methods of combining of medications and natural facilities for the correction of exchange of matters, support of functional activity of organs and systems, satiation of organism necessary for normal life matters.

Naturally an author can and wants to offer to you not only system of making healthy, amusing book at the health of man or book at the health of woman, book on a health and бад. you have possibility to influence a health in an individual order, getting author consultation on making healthy.

Все натуральные средства, рекомендуемые в книге и на сайте не являются лекарствами. Только натуральные препараты и в этом вся соль. Выполнение данных рекомендаций не заменяет лечение и наблюдение у врача. Покажите своему врачу эти идеи. Если он настоящий специалист, то просто обязан знать современные методы комбинирования лекарств и натуральных средств для коррекции обмена веществ, поддержки функциональной активности органов и систем, насыщения организма необходимыми для нормальной жизни веществами.
13.03.2025 21:06