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Электронная книга
"Здоровье 5 звезд"
Автор книги - известный специалист по натуротерапии Владимир Соколинский. Автор всего девяти книг, многие из которых переизданы.
Более 15 лет практического опыта.
Ежедневно консультирует, подбирает уникальные индивидуальные программы оздоровления.
Постоянные посетители его Центра - известные артисты, политики, чиновники, бизнесмены, жители Петербурга и разных городов России, ближнего и дальнего зарубежья.
"Очень удобная практическая книга. Написана иронично, но "по делу"
Замечание неизвестного читателя.
Love and sex. An orgasm can become more natural and brighter
This page,
sacred to the theme decline of weight, geared-up for compatriots, above-ground
outside Russia and using the English-language keyboard. We ask sorry for
If you want to
read an original version in Russian language pass on
Sex appeal theme psychological and physiological. In the area of psychology
to encroach we will not especially be. A "mother considered sex dirty business,
the first sexual experience let down, a man was not able to caress" and all
other such themes it not to me, as such pill or capsule is not present, to knock
out bad ideas from a head.
And when hormones or general state of health does not allow to yell, moan,
gnaw teeth pillow in an ecstasy, then it is here possible to make attempt
control oneself. Only will agree at once, that this chapter I write for women
and for men, loving and respecting the women. The ideas of type to «make» drunk ,
«feed шпанской beauty-spot» etc. the rectilineal
neanderthal man methods of increase of sex appeal are not examined childly.
Secret, generally - simple. It is needed to help the difficultly arranged
womanish organism to learn to get an orgasm easily naturally. And anymore
promoting a sex appeal already will not be needed. Aspiration to avoid sex
originates from absence of satisfaction. We do not love that, whatever
understand. you will remember school even. What objects were a favourite, those
did not miss. There are psychological stops. But it, as I already talked
is quite another history.
Here that can give efficient advice. Look in инете information about so-called «placing
on Khelingeru». It is
a fully logical modern method of psychotherapy by something look like a role
game. He allows to smuggle out of outside, to overcook and cast aside the old
experiencing, fears. It is, what from childhood will get out, about what and
thought not, but due to placing there is a clarity with past anxieties and
present desires and aspirations. There is a legal question: and why psychologist,
but not Church, how do I usually advise for delivering from the heartfelt
experiencing? Apparently on this stage of the spiritual development imagine
poorly, what words to ask a bright orgasm from Lord.
So, leaving ideas after brackets, will embark on adjusting of the corporal
activity. A man is however near to the animal kingdom. And animals propagate
oneself only in happy terms. If forces of the slagged organism last only the
overcooking of eaten and removing of attacks of viruses and bacteria the last
forces of потасканного immunity, what sex appeal speech can go about .
The hurried masculine mind already stretched after a purse to pay to the
desirable woman a tour on a resort for a recreation or jar of vitamins on a thin
But not so that simply. On a resort a «body» can show quite those not effects
which you planned and in place of stormy sex to give out intensifying of
gastritis, but vitamins certainly not mastered off preliminary hand of digestive
You will reconcile oneself to. Straight the increase of sex appeal can not
happen this evening. Without clearing of organism of stable result not to obtain.
If you read this chapter the first in a book, then for a short time will ask
to appeal to the chapter «From dear pastries that put on weight ».
The method of clearing of intestine and liver is there
described. A main violin is played by natural complexes: «Kolo-vada
a plus» is the deep
clearing for all departments of intestine and «Layver 48»
- the best, that is for the
improvement of work of liver.
As in an anecdote about a hen and cock: «I will not go
after, so though will get warm -
a cock thinks, pursuing after a hen».
In other words, harm from clearing of organism will not be
every. As a result, at least, digestion, state of immunity, will become better,
exchange of matters, a hormonal background, state of skin, will become better. A
hormonal background strongly depends on the level of maintenance of enzymes in
an organism. They not only overcook food and participate in
противовоспалительных reactions but also help to slit surplus of hormones.
Therefore normalization of work of intestine and liver helps to recover balance
of hormones direct appearance.
In my practice even there were cases, when the problem of fruitlessness for a
woman disappeared after clearing of organism. So not forget to be protected,
since коло-ваду drank away.
As clearing of organism will strengthen a sexual desire
Better and quick than it nobody thought of yet. Therefore we accept a complex
Kolo-vada plus on instruction which is inlaid in every box. First seven days
packages under 1,
after three days packages 2
and powders (we do a cocktail) and four days packages under
3. In all a course
will occupy two weeks. Extremely desirably before the reception of course during
14 days to use coral water and it to have a drink after clearing. Satiating, by
approximately 80 minerals the blood you will give a build material for hormones
and enzymes. It as an abundant market for a good cook. I am from what to choose
to create a culinary masterpiece. While your organism reminds badly taken away
Uryupinskiy сельмаг. Not offended only. About the whole-year deficit of
oligoelementss all dietitians repeat over and over again at most people.
After completion of 14-daily reception of Kolo-vady, drink Layver 48 for
renewal of normal work of liver and exchange of womanish sexual hormones. It is
known that estrogens disintegrate in a liver. But here they yet and influence on
the level of androgens (masculine hormones), also contained in a womanish
organism in the least. And these androgens and push slightly the sexual desires
of woman forward. That it was quite clearly: sex is wanted simultaneously and
outside and from within.
And than better a liver regulates balance of correct on
a structure estrogens, the higher sex appeal.
Except for a help to the liver, Layver 48 contains sulphur which opposes to
appearance of угревой rash. As see all reasons to accept him
- interpreted literally words
- present.
We accept Layver 48 for 1 капс 2 times per a day to the meal. A course is 1
But not only by one cleanness sex appeal will grow on. For the increase of
sex appeal it is not very bad to repaint the world around by paints посветлее.
To get an orgasm in a state of labour exploit, tension such as though mechanical
pick in hands as that is unconvenient. I am, 22 methods and 105 poses are
eventual, but it on an amateur. To promote a sexual desire the admirers of
sexual экстрима it is not needed and so. Every day, weakening and bliss is
desirable. Kayf from life, sex it is a biochemical reaction in a brain, when the
«hormones of happiness» -
эндорфины are thrown out in blood. Unwise people, which do not
guess that can get these эндорфины as a result of the sexual discharging try to
grasp at a bottle, наркоту or to overeat. Actually without harm for a health
разжиться эндорфинами it is possible only abed or gymnasium. Getting used
appears though and, but it is safe. All other methods either amoral or conduce
to obesity. I am and yet couple of нейрогормонов: Dopaminum (дофамин) and
serotonin, responsible for feeling gladnesses and pleasures. If all these «fellows»
are not enough, then though given by bouquets and candies, all candy-bouquet
period will be alike in consciousness on funerals. And an escort will not
understand sincerely, why he is such soft and fluffy, and a lady is dissatisfied.
Opposite, at the normal transmission of nervous impulse in a brain a reaction on
pleasant arises up adequate and easy. And as the saying goes: a song flows above
the river.
Some pragmatic physiologists in general answer a question about what love as
follows: «The results of numerous researches show that
love is related to making of дофамина and norepinephrinum, compounds which
обуславливают origin of euphoria. In addition, sense of love is related to
making of фенилэтиланина, that «gives to you a that simper which you одариваете
strangers». And love
and sex in general lay out on the successive making of certain hormones without
which erection will not come for a man, and for a woman
- an orgasm absents.
Fully logically to present that the lack of hormones of happiness can be
filled in. Only accepting them as a pill is impossible. And a serotonin and
Dopaminum (дофамин) and эндорфины appear in a brain. And build bricks it is
possible to toss up for them. It is amino acid of 5-гидрокситриптофан and
Thyrosinum. From them kind your multiclever brain synthesizes that he needs for
As it is a meal in a manner, then fearing getting used is not needed. The all
superfluous will fission quickly.
Where there are sought after чудо-компоненты for the kitchen of happiness and
increase of natural sex appeal. There are natural preparations the Biofield,
Normoksan and 5-гидрокситриптофан.
Each of them contains needments. If you test chronic stress and he does not
enable to put right connection between reason and appetence to the opposite
floor, then it is better to use the Biofield. It the set of amino acid is done
on «secret» technology. But practice shows that even the short course of the
Biofield (5 days) is able to do порозовей glasses spectacled through which you
look at the world. If a hand stretched on a road home to power drinks, then
better accept the Biofield. He will help to balance work of the overdriven brain,
will give a chance quietly to have a good sleep and get up resting, by sober
eyes by a looking at the world man.
About «Normoksan» in detail it is written in a chapter about «трудоголиков».
What there sex, when in a head only business. Therefore, by the way, absence of
orgasm for business women meets more frequent. It is amino acid of L-тианин
briefly. In an organism it grows into piperidic acid (GAMK), and a that всвою
turn harmonizes the transmission of nervous impulse. Getting L-тианин, a
cerebrum in place of "stress" beta-waves begins to emit the "weakened"
alpha-waves. you are better restored during sleep, stop to get irritated. Other
operating matter in composition « Normoksana»
- all that 5-гидрокситриптофан is
a source of serotonin of
hormone of happiness and for addition of bouquet is
пассифлора. A miracle is a
plant, helping to pacify even the Brazilian women before menstruation. He is
accepted by courses
5 NTR. 5 гидрокситриптофан, from which in a brain the hormone of pleasure
turns out serotonin. This preparation anymore befits for those, who «on a tear ».
5 NTR helps to overcome depression: «who
want does not know.
who know - does not
want.». He is also
accepted by courses.
How to accept the «pills of happiness» for strengthening of sexual desire:
Biofield for рассасывать a 1 pill under a language 1 one time per a day.
Course 5-10 days
Normoksan for to a 1 capsule 2 times per a day. Course 30 days
5 гидрокситриптофан for to a 1 capsule in a day. Course 30 days
And will repeat oneself once again. It 100% safely. As neither excitant nor
sedative effect at preparations is not present. They simply harmonize.
True of life just in that and is, that it is possible to help an organism to
return a natural sex appeal, and to overcome proof non-acceptance of concrete
man or natural traction to sleep for 20 hours in a day, going from little up
will turn out scarcely. Violence we will accomplish only above stresses, chronic
sores and fatigue, and violence above personality of blessing will not bring.
Sexual dissatisfaction it not about you.
For кого- that a problem is depression and absence of sexual desire, and
other are tormented by sexual dissatisfaction. As adorable male lies alongside,
and to satisfy does not can clearly. For amateurs to include forcing however
will tell about womanish афродизиаках and methods to promote the brightness of
orgasm and sex appeal for a woman.
At first lines, will remember the Indian and Brazilian methods of
acceleration and strengthening and deepening of orgasm. Our Ibero-American
friends suppose justly, that sexual satisfaction of woman it is a child of joint
love of man and woman. Therefore the same Indian composition in theory can be
used to the man and woman. Main компоненты of Ibero-American sex
is exotic plants damiana,
муира пуама, Peruvian poppy. Such preparation in the variant adapted to modern
life I.e. in capsules, named «Poten».
All know сеалекс, viagra and other effective facilities, assuredly enabling
to enter into a closeness by a woman and helping a woman to win over the problem
of absence of orgasm. Important difference of natural preparations with extracts
damiana and муира пуама in that they operate very softly. They do not promote
pressure, does not cause turning of person red, from them veins" do not "heave
up and there is not overdriving of the nervous system, mixing to fall asleep.
you will not even remember that drink some pills. Simply in necessary moment
there will be a desire and excellent sex will happen. Your possibilities will be
higher, than usually, but there are no side feelings in an organism. Love and
sex is included in the harmonious state. For it a damiana and муира пуама value
plants in the whole world. As clearly from the name in the Pskovskoy area they
do not grow and of yore used by American Indians for the increase of sexual
possibilities. Whether it is needed to talk that the Ibero-American men are
enough hot and favourites women for the masculine capabilities and the
Ibero-American women differ whichever, only by a not coldness. In the complement
of Potena enter also an arginine which strengthens the influx of blood in the
area of privy parts, what instrumental in strengthening of erection, increases
the amount of spermatozoa for men and helps to feel more bright orgasm for women.
Someone can be heard of creams with an arginine which is inflicted in area of
clitoris and the same guarantee a клиторальный orgasm. But I now not about such
rectilineal method, but however about such use of arginine, when and
participation of man more actively. Arginine at a reception inward, as promotes
кровенаполнение of organs of small pelvis, activates the influx of blood to the
uterus and sexual lips, to the that clitoris and strengthens feeling of orgasm
for a woman, facilitates his arrival.
Swiss oat. Supports work of the сердечно-сосудистой and nervous systems.
Grass of эпимедии. Stimulates the transmission of nervous impulses in a
spinal cord from privy parts, promotes a sexual desire.
Korean ginseng. At his use: force and mobility of processes rises in a
cerebrum, имунная is stimulated and endocrine systems, tone of перифирических of
nerve-centres goes down, a feel gets better, vessels are toned up, in particular,
sexual sphere, the level of тестостерона rises.
Vitamin C. Provides protecting of cages from stress
We accept «Poten» for to a 1 pill 2-3 times per a day, during a meal.
Duration of reception: 2-3 weeks. If necessary it is possible to drink for 2
capsules one-time hour prior to a closeness. But on a man an action will be
anymore in this case, and a course reception is however required a woman for the
prophylaxis of sexual dissatisfaction.
My special pride, as husband with 15-years-old experience, the father of
three children and grand-dad of one grandchild is caused by other complexes for
harmonization of sexual relations.
As you understand a task at any cost to enter into a sexual closeness with
present alongside a woman does not cost in marriage. A long love-affair creates,
alas, habit with which people the domestic are celebrated by different methods,
by not always ethics. Meantime it is not needed to throw down simple physiology
from accounts.
Constancy dulls speed of transmission of nervous impulses, extinguishes
hormonal splashes and as a result mixes to test such emotions as desirable.
Therefore in series «Recipes of Sokolinskogo» appeared two unique preparations,
which help not simply to accomplish sexual intercourse from the technical point
of view, but also create physiological terms for a closeness, harmonious sex,
exchange by energies, after which it is desirable not to turn away from each
other and to fall asleep, but glad to life.
Main constituents of preparations the all those Indian recipes
are a damiana, муира пуама,
goth of stake and гинкго of билоба, but to them added and cleanly Russian tested
facilities of сексотерапии.
Preparations are named Orgamaks.Ìóæñêàÿ formula of closeness and Orgamaks.Æåíñêàÿ
formula of closeness. Often man can not, but a woman does not want. Exactly in
that moment when he is overflowed by a desire, for it "has a headache". And when
it languishes wishing discharging he wants to sleep after a bad day. An organism
defies... Nevertheless influencing a masculine and womanish body on one note is
possible by natural facilities, even if you got used to so-called to "matrimonial
sex". Orgamaks will help to harmonize sexual biorhythms and «can and want» ,
then, when it is needed both. Fatigue, deficit of
oligoelementss, violations in a hormonal background no longer will interfere
with you to love each other. And free exchange by energies between a man and
woman during sex, and especially at a joint orgasm can displace mountains,
change the world and your life. It will confirm any man, practicing тантрический
sex. Sex appeal for a man it is money, success in business, influence.
Satisfaction for a woman it is a maintainance of beauty, creative activity.
Joint successes in sex support family during many years.
We accept «Orgamaks. Formula of closeness» for to a 1 capsule 2-3 times per a
day or to the men as first-aid for 2 capsules at once after floor-hour to the
In contra-indications to the reception high blood pressure and nervous
hypererethism is indicated, but a practical reception did not rotin such side
actions. Influence of ginseng is counterbalanced by an extract to goth of stake
and гинкго of билоба. Therefore if necessary it is possible to make attempt for
first-aid to accept for 2 capsules hour prior to a closeness. Although will pay
attention once again, that it is a mean not simply for urgent "copulation", but
for normalization and harmonization of sexual possibilities - for a long time.
Course 2 weeks, after interruption week and repetition. If necessary (to the
fatigue, depression) courses it is necessary to repeat.
Perhaps, that is all, that in business. And other: the best, that excites for
a man it purse ., not
nice men of not áûâàåò.è other excusatory introductions let will remain for
those, whoever was able to get кайф from life, because so did not read this
useful chapter. Absence of orgasm, sexual dissatisfaction, mionectic sexual
desire it not about you. Love and sex met in an ecstasy and theoretical talks
about what love leave on then, physiological barriers and desire were taken off
began to flow the stormy river. Light goes out.Curtain.
Large to you sexual happiness dear women in love and understanding!
Electronic book
"Health 5 stars"
An author of book is the known specialist for naturatherapy Vladimir of
Sokolinskiy. Author of only nine books, many of which are reprinted.
More than 15 years of practical experience.
Advises daily, picks up the unique individual programs of making healthy.
Regular visitors of his Center are the known artists, politicians, officials,
businessmen, habitants of Petersburg and different cities of Russia, near and
distant foreignness."Very comfortable practical book.
Written ironically, but "in business" Remark of unknown reader